Raw sausage made from bear

Bear meat has numerous beneficial properties: improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin levels; helps with diseases of the muscular system due to a high amount of B vitamins; promotes muscle growth; strengthens the cardiovascular system and serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes; increases immunity and replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

High-quality bear meat contains a large number of valuable substances in its composition. Among them are: B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus, copper and calcium; vitamin PP; manganese and iron; sodium and potassium.
Eating bear meat helps restore immunity, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, joint and skin diseases.

People suffering from heart disease can easily consume this delicious product and not fear for their health. It is recommended for people with weak immune systems, suffering from gastrointestinal problems.
Bear meat is also very useful for people with weakened health as a result of prolonged illness.