Frozen deer meat

Deer meat is a very tasty and unusual product that true connoisseurs of delicacies will enjoy. Deer feed on moss, lichens, and foliage of various shrubs. These plants stimulate the production of linoleic acid in the body of individuals, which has the property of protecting humans from the dangerous effects of carcinogenic and toxic substances.

Venison meat is very dense and does not contain fat layers, so it retains its volume during processing.
Due to the low calorie content, the product can be used even in menus for overweight people, as well as in cases of kidney and liver diseases. In addition, fresh venison is essential for athletes who seek to build muscle mass by putting heavy loads on the body.

Proper use of venison in food helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. It also helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.